The Fallout: Anti-CRT in Texas
Over the last year school districts have been the target of state laws that regulate curriculum, books, and conversations in schools. This podcast reports on the fallout of this law in Texas. Seven undergraduate students conducted a total of 41 interviews with students, teachers, and community members throughout the state, to understand how people made sense of this legislation. This class was a part of an undergraduate research class called Story Lab at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX. Story lab centers on producing narrative work grounded in social science and humanities research. Questions about this work should be directed to: Dr. Habiba Noor, Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Education, Trinity University
7 episodes
7. Visceral
In this podcast, we hear from Trinity University student Izabella Serbantes who spoke to three different generations: an elder from the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan nation, a member of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan nation, and a Black woman who currentl...
Episode 7
6. Dealing with Discomfort
In this episode, Trinity University student Lauren Olivares talks to teachers and students about how they navigate the discomfort around discussion of race in the classroom.
5. Making Race Visible
The anti-CRT movement has claimed that conversations on race make white students feel guilty. But what to students actually think? Trinity University student Emanuel Gutierrez shares his interviews with white students in Texas to understand the...
4. Blindfold
Does naming race make you racist? This question is at root of the logic of the anti-CRT debate. In this podcast, Shelby discusses interviews with students who believe that the best way to address difference is with a blindfold to race.
Episode 4
3. Compliance Showdown
Who has the power over what actually happens in the classroom? The state? The administration? or the teacher? Hint: It depends. In this episode, Miranda Vega ('22) discusses three different ways teachers responded to the SB3, the law that...
Episode 3
2. Chilling Effect
This episode tells the story of how three different Texas high school teachers have had to adjust their curricula and practice in the post SB3 classroom.Written and produced by Morgan BegeleyMusic by Jonathan Boyle
Episode 2
1. Anti-CRT and SB3 in Texas - What's the Story?
This past year, schools have been the target of a politicians. For the first time, the Texas state legislature passed a law that regulates what can an cannot be taught in the classroom in regards to American History, current events, and race. T...
Episode 1