The Fallout: Anti-CRT in Texas

7. Visceral

Trinity University Story Lab Students: Miranda, Shelby, Lauren, Morgan, Emanuel, Adam, Bella Episode 7

In this podcast, we hear from Trinity University student Izabella Serbantes who spoke to three different generations: an elder from the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan nation, a member of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan nation, and a Black woman who currently attends University of Texas. These three interviewees reflect on  the way schools told them who they were - but not in the most rewarding ways. Bela discusses how the wounds of racism are visceral. While students have received more civil rights in schools, how has the experience of schooling framed identities for students of color in white dominant classrooms?

Written and produced by Izabella Serbantes ('23)